

On 11th October the children from la Zer Serra Llarga have been once more to the theatre. This time we have enjoyed the play Robin Hood. It's been very funny and we could participate singing the songs and also acting with the actors . You can watch a piece of the play.

England has a problem: the sheriff of Nottingham, the rich and bad tax collector.
Our brave hero, Robin Hood is convinced that he is the only one who can save the country. with bow, arrows and sword Robin hood fights heroically in the name of justice. He is brave, he is not afraid of the sheriff . Unfortunately he is also wrong ...!

On 11th June children from P5 from la Zer Serra Llarga go to Albesa to see an English play called Cinderella.
If you want to remember the play you can sing again the songs you have learnt.

And here you can glance at some of the pictures of the children during the play.

Tot seguit podeu veure un fragment de l'obra.

Els alumnes de C.S. de l'escola Sant Sebastià d'Ivars de Noguera han preparat una petita representació teatral en anglès, inventada per ells. Tot seguit podeu veure que bé ho fan. L'obra s'anomena "In the country".